During period of refugee crisis from Syria, lot of people passed through our country... and still. We organized friends and NGO to help those people in need. We were packing packages of food, hygiene, water, and everything they will need for traveling to their destinations. EUS Serbia (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) and ROM (Renewing Our Minds) was partnering in this situation with refugees. With packages we were at Hungary border and at Croatian border. In one day 6000 refugees came with buses from Belgrade to cross this border with Croatia. We were sharing this packages and talking with refugees - a lot of people tired of walking... One more obstacle, border of Croatia, and passing through corn fields for their „promise land“ last destination – Germany, Sweden, Nederlands, etc. Despite of many years of media lies about Serbs and Serbia, our people had a heart for strangers from another country, because, we had a Serb refugees from Bosnia and Croatia, a lot of times in a wars, embargos and poverty during more than 30 years, and we know the feeling of loosing everything and trying to find something for survival in these wilderness and chaos. Serbia – a heart of Europe, heart that a lot of people was hurting and lot of them staying in it... Serbia is my heart! „For where your treasure is, there will be also your heart“ (The Bible) Matthew 6:21 Jelena Đokić Belgrade, Serbia
March 2019
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